Recent press of South Dixie Antique Row in West Palm Beach Florida


The Palm Beach Post

Antique Row among Top 10 tourist shopping draws

by Emily Roach | The Palm Beach Post | January 06, 2014

There it was, just behind New York City for Broadway and Chicago for Michigan Avenue: West Palm Beach’s Antique Row netted the area No. 4 on Conde Nast’s list of Best Cities for Shopping in the U.S.

To be accurate, Palm Beach was the tony location that made the list. And Worth Avenue was clearly the top draw for the 80,000 people who voted in the survey. But Conde Nast’s Traveler website explained that West Palm Beach’s Antique Row Art and Design District helped bring in those on a budget and those ready to splurge.

“Simply put, there is ‘something for everyone,’ ” the article touts.

The top cities were New York City, Chicago and San Francisco, with Newport Beach, Calif., Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Charleston, S.C., Honolulu and Boston rounding out the Top 10.